What exactly is Bleed Country you ask? Here you go!

It's not a sign telling the world you operate a cozy cubicle 40 hours a week, while feeling like you are stuck in an endless cycle.  It's deeper than that.  It has a purpose, a meaning.  It's proof that the blue collar, hard working American has the right to be proud of what their hands can do!

We wake up before the sun rises, and we don't go to bed until the world permits us.  We use our scar ridden hands and our God given abilities to provide for the ones we love.  We work hard, we play hard, and we pray hard.  There are things that may slow us down, but we will never stop.  We were raised in the country with traditional values and country beliefs.  When we carry this type of work ethic, we sweat and we bleed.....

I had hands that hadn't been completely healed from nicks and cuts for the better part of a decade.  Having lived and worked this way, God gave me the opportunity to bring together an elite crowd of folks, a crowd that lives with the same value set, and works with the same strong ethic.  You've read this far, so let me personally welcome you to be part of the ultimate Blue Collar Brand.... BLEED COUNTRY!!!

Welcome!  Thank You!!  And God Bless!!!